Is an Angel Listening?



Once, I made my mum angry. I felt sorry for that.

It was a cold Sunday. I had no classes and stayed at home with mum. I was doing my homework in my bedroom when she came in. At first, I didn’t notice her. Then she talked to me. She asked me to put on my black sweater before going to school the next day because it would be even colder. I couldn’t reply her at once because I really hate that sweater. Till night, I had a talk with mum, “ I prefer an orange one to the black one, Mum. I wasn’t born yesterday. I can decide what I shall do myself !” Slowly she looked at me, thought for a while then said, “ All right, you’ve grown up. You don’t need us any more, do you?” With these words, mum cried. I didn’t want to talk on, and locked my bedroom door.

The next morning, mum had got up when I woke. She was busy cooking the breakfast. She said nothing to me when she saw me. Oh, she was still angry and I had no courage to beg her pardon. Before I left home, she passed me a bottle of milk, but still said nothing. Tears fell down from my face on my way to school. I felt mother’s love was so great. But I’ve hurt her heart. Mum’s love is the most important part of my life. I really wanted to hug her in such a cold day.

Is an angel listening? If so, please help me tell my mum that I love her. Maybe to the world she means nothing , but to me she means the whole world. Just because I don’t love her by the way she wants me to, it doesn’t mean I don’t love her. And she is not only my mum, but also my best friend! Is an angel listening?

When I got to the school gate , the bell rang. I hurried to my classroom. Just then I saw a mother and a little girl walk together near the school gate, side by side, hand in hand. Oh, is that an angel telling me what I should do? Suddenly, I realized nobody could help me but myself. I was looking forward to the last ringing of the school bell.

How I wished I could fly home and tell mum how I loved her!