


The photo shows the group before the departure.

文/潘逸声 图/海口九中2017年“筑梦远航”美国暑假游学团老师、同学

Text / Pan YishengPictures / Teacher and Students of Haikou No.9 Middle School 2017 "Dreaming Voyage" American summer Camp2017年暑假,海口九中2017年“筑梦远航”美国暑假游学团活动拉开了帷幕。本次游学团由吴多智老师带队,有11名同学参加,自8月3日持续到20日,将游历美国东、西部的几个主要城市,各位同学将在纽约的美国家庭寄宿6天。本次游学营是同学们增长见识、开阔视野、了解美国文化、加强英语能力、强化国际意识的一次好机会。笔者有幸参加本次游学团,并将在游学过程中为大家及时带来游学的最新消息。In 2017 summer vacation, Haikou No.9 Middle School2017 "Dreaming Voyage" American Summer Camp activities started. The group was led by Teacher Wu Duozhi.11 studentsparticipated in the camp, from August 3rd to 20th, they will travel several major cities of the east and west of the United States. Students will be in New Yorks American family boarding 6 day. This tour is a good opportunity for students to grow their knowledge, broaden their horizons, learn about American culture, strengthen their English skills and strengthen international consciousness. I was fortunate to participate in this tour group, and I will bring the latest news of travel.

8月3日晚,游学团抵达了美国波士顿。4日早上,我们前往第一个景点——哈佛大学。On the evening of August 3rd, the tour group arrived in Boston, USA. On the morning of 4th, we went to the first attraction - Harvard University.哈佛大学,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。哈佛同时也是美国本土历史最悠久的高等学府,其诞生于1636年。Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a world-renowned private research university, in the literature, medicine, law, business and other fields have a high academic status and a wide range of influence, is recognized as one of the worlds top institutions of higher education. Harvard is also the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, which was born in 1636.

我们参观的是哈佛的主校园,包括图书馆、语言系、科技馆、学生宿舍、食堂等。在科技馆中存放着的世界上第一台电子计算机吸引了同学们的注意。We visited Harvards main campus, including the library, language department, science and technology museum, student dormitories, cafeteria and so on. The worlds first electronic computer, which was stored in the Science and Technology Museum, attracted the attention of the students.

图为哈佛图书馆The picture shows the Harvard Library

图为游学团在哈佛图书馆前的合照The picture shows the tour group in front of the Harvard library photo

图为游学营同学在参观世界上第一台电子计算机The picture shows the students visiting the worlds first computer

图为游学营同学在参观哈佛科技馆的一处展板The picture shows that the tour camp students visited a display board of the Harvard Science and Technology Museum

参观完哈佛大学后,我们去参观了另一座著名的大学院——麻省理工学院。麻省理工学院创立于1861年,在第二次世界大战后,麻省理工学院借由美国国防科技研究需要而迅速崛起;在二战和冷战期间,麻省理工学院的研究人员对计算机、雷达以及惯性导航系统等科技发展作出了重要贡献。After visiting Harvard University, we went to visit another famous college - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded in 1861, after the Second World War, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology rised with the need of the US defense science and technology research ;during World War II and the Cold War, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers on computers, Inertial navigation systems and other scientific and technological development has made important contributions.我们参观的是麻省理工学院的中央校区。沿着一条走廊往里走,两边就是世界顶尖学府的学子、老师及学生实验室,必然会让人沉浸在深厚的学术气氛当中。相信在游历了这两所世界一流学府后期,同学们一定会更加努力的学校,尽最大努力向这两座学府进发。We visited the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys central campus. Walking along a corridor, both sides of the worlds top institutions of the students, teachers and student laboratories, will inevitably make people immersed in the deep academic atmosphere. I believe that in the late travel of these two world-class institutions, students will be more efforts of the school, make the greatest efforts to the two institutions embarked.

图为游学团在麻省理工学院中央校区的合影The photo shows the group tour at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

下午,我们开始了在波士顿市区的旅行。In the afternoon, we started a trip to the downtown of Boston.我们首先参观的是科普利广场。这里有新英格兰最高的建筑约翰·汉考克大厦。这座大厦由著名华裔建筑师贝聿铭设计,共63层,高241米,是波士顿最高的建筑。它的外墙全部用浅兰色的镜面玻璃,大厦宛如一面巨大的明镜,耸立在城市的中心,阳光在镜面上折射反照,时移景异,变幻无穷,呈现出一派奇妙的景观。We first visited Copley Square. Here is the tallest building in New England - John Hancock Building. The building is designed by the famous Chinese architect IM Pei, it has a total of 63 layers, 241 meters high, is the tallest building in Boston. Its facade all with light blue mirror glass, the building is like a huge mirror, stands in the center of the city, the sun in the mirror refraction, when the landscape is different, changing, showing a wonderful landscape.图为约翰·汉考克大厦The picture shows John Hancock Building

在约翰·汉考克旁边,就是三一教堂。三一教堂在约翰·汉考克大厦的玻璃幕墙上映出的完整的镜像,被称作“楼中楼”。非常遗憾的是,当我们到达时,三一教堂正处于装修状态中,所以我们只能看到其上半部分。Next to John Hancock, it is the Trinity Church. Trinity Church in the John Hancock building glass curtain wall reflected the complete mirror, known as the "building in the building" It is very regrettable that when we arrived, Trinity Church is in the decoration state, so we can only see the upper half.

图为装修中的三一教堂The picture shows the decoration of the Trinity Church

参观完科普利广场后,我们来到了波士顿公园。在这里,我们找到了一条由红砖拼成的小路——自由之路。自由之路是由若干排红砖在道路中间拼出的小径,每排只有两块红砖。这条小径出现在波士顿市区的各个景点,而波士顿公园就是它的起点。After visiting Copley Square, we came to Boston Park. Here, we found a road made up of red bricks - the road of freedom. The road offreedom is by a number of red bricks in the middle of the road to spell out the trail, each row only two red bricks. This trail appears in various attractions in downtown Boston, while Boston Park is its starting point.

图为波士顿公园旁的波士顿州议会大厦The Boston State Capitol building next to Boston Park


On August 6 morning local time , we came to Yale University. Yale University is a world-renowned private research university based in New Haven, Connecticut, originally founded in 1701 by the Connecticut Commons, and moved to New Haven, Connecticut, in 1716.耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。作为美国最具影响力的私立大学之一,耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,其本科学院与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学本科生院齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院美国前三名的位置,位列2016-17年US News美国大学本科排名第3(与芝加哥大学并列)。耶鲁大学共走出了5位美国总统、19位美国最高法院大法官、16位亿万富翁。Yale University is a member of the Ivy League League, a member of the Ivy League, which is one of the most influential private universities in the United States. Yale University is one of the most influential private universities in the United States. The establishment of the third university, its undergraduate college and Harvard University, Princeton University undergraduate par, over the years to compete for the United States University of the top three places in the United States, ranked 2016-17 years US News American University ranked first 3 (tied to the University of Chicago). Yale University out of five US presidents, 19 US Supreme Court Justice, 16 billionaire.


In order to make the building look old, the architect splashed acid on the stone walls, deliberately broke the glass and used the medieval method of complement, and also artificially added many empty decorative niches, as if the sculpture has been lost for a long time.


Famous Yale girl alumni and architect Maya Lin donated to her alma mater a marble made "Womens Table" to witness Yale women since the beginning of the history of struggle. On the table, she designed a series of years and the relative number of girls.


The age and the number of all on the desktop is very regular to the spiral was revealed, but the spring that the table center constantly pour makes the writing looming with beauty.

Beinecke古籍善本图书馆由Gordon Bunshaft设计,是当今世界上最大的专门收藏古籍善本的图书馆。图书馆地面以上六层的书库由一个玻璃的立方体环绕,而玻璃立方的外面则有一个更大的与之不接触的“盒子”罩住。这座建筑的墙壁是由两英尺见方的产自佛蒙特州的半透明大理石构成,因此可以使馆内微亮而防止阳光中的其他有害射线破坏馆藏图书。

The Beinecke Library is designed by Gordon Bunshaft and is the largest collection of rare books in the world today. The library above six floors of the library is surrounded by a glass cube, while the glass cube has a larger "box" that does not touch it. The walls of the building are made of two feet of translucent marble from Vermont, so that it can make the museum slightly bright and prevent other harmful rays in the sun from breaking the library.


Local time on the afternoon of August 6, we came to the school we will be learning exchange - Chapel Field Christian School.


The picture shous that when the school tour group arrived,we got warm hospitality with pizza from the school teacher.


Then we went to our host family. Every 2-4 studentswere assigned to a family, classmates and homestay families shared dinner, breakfast, full understood of American daily life, understood of American culture.


In the next five days, every morning the parents of the host family sent the students to school. On the 7th, 9th and 11th mornings, we received ESL American English courses.


Thepicture shows the ESL American English course.


The course revolves around the four aspects of "listening, speaking, reading and writing".


In the first class, the students took turns to improvise speeches in front of the rest of the students around a topic, this is the practice of"talking" ; then, the teachers arrangedus toarrange a scene drama, andanswered some problems, this is the "writing" practice.


In the second class, we worked in groups, each personhad a small piece of a cartoon story pastedon the back ofhimself, the students should put the pieces into a complete story by reading comprehension and communication without seeing their own pieces, which is "reading" and "speaking" the practice; then we got an article about the hot dog, for reading exercises.

In the third class, we did a listening exercise: the teacher and the assistant read a dialogue, we listened to it and answered some questions;then we played a word game:find out the noun that matched an adjective best from some of them,this game is helpful in improving our vocabulary; at last, we got a cartoon story with no dialogue , worked in group toput ona scene drama. In the last class, another group of French students also joined the class, and we completed the drama together.


In these courses, the teacher attaches great importance to let us speak English, and we also try to use pure English to express our points of view, the whole classroom is both lively and interesting, without losing rigor, we in the joy to enhance the level of English.


After the end of the school activitives every day, the parents of the host family will pick us back home. We live in the suburbs, houses are villas, each have a garden, the vegetationwas thriving and we werevery comfortable, and sometimes we couldsee deers in the forest after the house. In this place ,people traveled by almost only driving, we almost could notsee pedestrians on the road , drivingwas unimpeded, except when driving to an intersection the cars on the branch way should avoid the car on the main road, there was almost no significant reduction.


In the United States, the pet is a loyal companion, each member of my homestay family had their own pets. Every day, the dogs hostess would go out to walk the dog, and the dogwould not be anywhere urine.


The host family provided delicious and rich American breakfasts and dinners forme and other three students. For breakfast, therewerebread, scrambled eggs, sausage pieces, patties, bacon, etc.,we couldalso choose milk, tea, all kinds of fruit juice; dinner meat (beef, sometimes chicken), vegetables (fried beans, cabbage, corn Etc.), mashed potatoes, rice and so on. American dinnerwas mainly meat, the beef is very large, we need to cut it into small pieces with a knife and then fork to eat.


After dinner, we played games with the host family, not only to enhanceour own English, but also toexperience the American style, enhance the friendship with the host family.


Through these days of accommodation, we understood the American culture, enhanced the level of English,and forged a deep friendship. with the host family


A journey of 18 days, soon ended, through the tour group, all students have been harvested. I hope this tour can become a guide to the dream of the students, to help students fulfill their dreams!